West Africa in streams of muddle; why is that? — Jacob Menkah
Jul 21, 2024
The West African Sub-region has been in a reverse motioning mode since the various African states found in the jurisdiction after fighting with their last blood to secure total liberation from the hands of their colonial masters have experienced various forms of neo-colonialism which has further degraded the Western part of the African continent.
In the Sub-region, various states are endowed with majority of the natural resources the African continent posseses. In that vein, it can be proud of natural resources such as the gold, diamond, manganese, water bodies, arable lands, copper, crude oil, timber and many other resources.
Therefore, the question now pops-up, why is the West African Sub-region I’m a muddle? The nature of politics in West Africa has contributed immensely to the underwhelming development of the Sub-region and it includes Neo-colonialism, Military interventions (Coup d’etat), Civil wars, Boundary dispute and Bad leadership.
Among the various political problems which have been enlisted above, neo-colonialism stands tall as one of the major factors burying the Western African Sub-region in a very disgusting manner before the day of accountability arrives.
Neo-colonialism can be explained in simple terms as, new form of colonial governance. Further, it is a means being adopted by the western powers to enroll their imperialist activities through indirect ruling of their former colonies.
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